Myths vs. Facts About Guns

Guns: Fact vs fiction

The media and popular culture believe a lot of myths related to guns and gun owners. Following are some facts and fictions regarding gun use, safety, and statistics.

Myth: Guns can go off if you drop them

Readers ask this question more often than not. The truth is that most guns don’t work that way. Guns manufacturers must submit their guns to strict “drop-safety” tests. True, the tests aren’t foolproof. However, 99.9 percent of the time, the gun won’t go off when dropped.

 Myth: Every year 30,000 people are killed by guns

Fact: True and false, depending on your perspective. Experts rarely tell the whole story. The number is true but 54percent of those deaths are suicides. Numerous reports show that owning a gun is not the primary factor in suicide.

Myth: All bullets are the same

That is not even close to being true. I’m not going to go into specifics, but different bullets are designed to do different things. You choose bullets based on your gun and their purpose.

 Myth: Using a weapon for self-defense increases your likelihood of injury or death

Victims are more likely to survive an assault if a gun is used for self-defense. Statistics for injury/death during a robbery are:

Resisting with a weapon: 6%

Doing nothing: 25%

Resisted with a knife: 40%

Non-violent resistance: 45%

Myth: Assault weapons are a major problem in the United States

“Assault weapons” or fully automatic guns, including those that classified incorrectly, are used in less than 1 percent of homicides.

Myth: Gun owners like to kill things

Hunters certainly kill things, but that doesn’t make them zealots or unstable. The number of hunters has decreased over the past decade. A recent study shows:

In the 1990s, about 50 percent of gun-owners used their guns for hunting; 25 percent used them for protection. Currently, approximately 50 percent of gun owners use firearms for personal protection.

Myth: Shotguns are always on target

Shotguns are recommended for home protection mostly because of the ease of use. The myth is that firing a shotgun takes little or no skill. You only have to fire in the general direction.

Shotguns do have a wider spread than a handgun, but the shooter still has to aim.

Myth: Semi-automatics are the same as fully-automatic guns

Semi-automatic weapons and fully-automatic weapons are as different as night and day. The main difference is that a semi-automatic weapon fires one round shot each time you squeeze the trigger. A fully-automatic gun fires continuously while the trigger is depressed.

Myth: Gun owners are middle-aged rednecks, white, evangelical Christians, militant, and racist.

The truth is that gun owners are as diverse as the citizens in the U.S., cover all socio-economic classes and age brackets.

Myth: People who carry concealed are violent.

Crime statistics show that those with concealed carry permits are more law-abiding than the average person.

The next time someone tries to school you on the facts, check this list or use a search engine to get factual information.

History of the .38 Super Auto

.38 Super's legendary climb

In 1929, law enforcement faced a dilemma. Their ammunition was no longer effective against the gangsters and bootleggers. The gangsters had taken to wearing ballistics vests and often shot from inside autos, both of which were impenetrable by an average ammunition round. As a result, Colt developed the .38 Super Auto. The round was supposedly based on the .38 Automatic Colt Pistol, but designed to be used in a 1911 style semi-automatic, magazine-fed pistol. The .38 Super uses a .356-inch 130 grain lead projectile, housed in a semi-rimmed, straight-walled case measuring .900 inch. The total length of the cartridge 1.280 inches.

The Super Auto cartridge carries more powder than the .38 Auto, which makes it a more powerful round. The .38 Auto’s 130 grain cartridge had a muzzle velocity of 1,050 feet per second (fps). Since the .38 Super used more powder and higher pressure, its velocity is 1,280 fps. Sadly, law enforcement stopped using the Super Auto when, in 1934, the .357 Magnum entered the market.

Development of the .38 Super Auto

Experts say that there are discrepancies in the origin of the .38 Super. It is commonly believed that the round was based on the .38 ACP. Law enforcement did require a stronger round than the .38 and 9mm, but could deliver a better performance than the powerhouse .45 ACP. Colt offered a solution in the .38 Auto. Secondly, some claim that the development of the .38 Super was an afterthought. The 1911-style pistol had been introduced, designed to fire .38 ACP. Shortly after it was introduced, wildcatters began to handload their own version of the round, increasing the powder load. Colt heard about the change and began to produce a similar version which they named the .38 Super Auto. The name .38 “Super” was simply a way to distinguish it from the traditional .38 Auto.

Law Enforcement

The FBI adopted the .38 Super partly because of its carry capacity. It could hold 9 to 11 cartridges in a single stack, which was much larger than what was offered by the .38 Special. The .38 Super could also penetrate body armor. This was a benefit with the rise of American gangsters who openly fought police, and often used their cars as shields against return fire.

However, police weren’t the only ones who adopted the .38 Super. John Dillinger, infamous bank robber and all-around bad guy, carried a .38 Super when he was apprehended by police.

He also owned a custom-built, fully automatic Colt M1911A1. Dillinger had the gun modified to include a Cutts compensator and a magazine with extra capacity.

In 1941, Colt shifted its focus from law enforcement to the military due to WWII. The war changed the face of munitions, and the .38 Super all but disappeared for nearly 40 years.

Popularity Worldwide

The .38 Super never lived up to its potential in the U.S. However, the round has been widely used in other countries such as Australia, Mexico, Canada, and South America, where civilians are banned from using guns chambered in military cartridges, such as the .45 ACP or 9mm.

Who Uses a .357 SIG?

.357 Sig ammo

In the mid-1990s, Swiss-German arms manufacturer SIG Sauer teamed up with Federal Cartridge (now Federal Premium Ammunitions) to develop a new cartridge to rival the .357 Magnum. The team designed the .357 SIG after the .357 Mag to duplicate the performance of the .357 Mag while offering shooters a higher cartridge capacity to be used in semi-automatic pistols. The target audience was law enforcement, which never fully embraced the new round.

Development of the .357 SIG

The .357 SIG ammo was introduced in 1994, only four years after the S&W released their .40 cal. The .40 S&W had been commissioned by the FBI after the 1986 Miami shootout in which two agents were killed and five were wounded. The FBI had requested a new load that would have the power of a .45 with lower recoil and faster reloading time. Although the .40 S&W wasn’t a perfect replacement, it was readily adopted by law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S.

At that time, neither law enforcement agencies nor the public was ready to embrace another round for a semi-automatic weapon. Therefore, the .357 SIG never caught on despite its superior performance record.


SIG designed the original of .357 SIG ammo was .357”, but then reduced the overall size to .355”, making it easier to reload. SIG created the first bottleneck commercial handgun cartridge manufactured since the early 1960s. Like the .357 Mag, it uses a bullet with 125 grains. It boasts an average velocity of 1,450 FPS and muzzle energy that exceeds 500 ft. lbs. The shoulder is alpha/2=18 degrees. The common rifling twist rate is 406 mm (1 in 16 in), 6 grooves, Ø lands=8.71 mm, Ø grooves=9.02 mm, land width=2.69 mm. The primer type is small pistol.

Who Uses a .357 SIG?

The performance and smaller dimensions of the .357 SIG should make it a more popular cartridge among law enforcement, but it has never caught on. Many officers have chosen to adapt to a 9 mm Parabellum for their standard sidearm. It is a preferred round for many target shooters and those interested in home defense and self-defense. Unlike some smaller rounds, the .357 SIG is capable of causing hydrostatic shock, disabling, or even fatally wounding its targets upon impact.

Many large law enforcement agencies supply their officers with .357 SIG ammunition. Officers use the ammo in SIG Sauer models and Glock pistols. The Texas Highway Patrol adopted the round in 1995. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) followed suit. They had previously given their troopers a choice between the SIG Sauer P220 in .45 ACP or the SIG Sauer P226 in 9mm. From 1998-2013, The DPS issued the SIG Sauer P226 chambered in .357 SIG as a standard sidearm for its commissioned officers.


Concealed Carry Weapons: Protecting Yourself in Public

Protecting Yourself

There is a lot of information out there about protecting yourself at home, but little about self-defense in unfamiliar places. It can be tricky if you don’t know the lay of the land, especially in a foreign country.  Whether you are out and about alone or with friends or family, it always pays to take certain precautions:

  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Keep valuables out of reach of passersby.
  • Don’t go into strange areas alone at night.
  • Carry car keys in your hand when walking to your car.
  • Remain a minimum of a foot away from your car if you are unlocking it manually. (Some thieves will wait underneath a person’s car and grab their legs to pull them to the ground.)
  • Never flash money. Keep small bills on the outside if bills are folded over to dissuade thieves from thinking you have a lot of cash.
  • For women, always hold your purse by the body and not just the strap – thieves will cut the strap and make off the with the goods. Chances of catching them are almost nil.
  • Carry defense spray on your key chain for emergencies.
  • If you are in a foreign country, program emergency numbers into your phone to save precious moments in a time of crisis.
  • Carry a concealed weapon when possible.

Awareness and Avoidance

It’s crucial to be aware of your surroundings. This is especially true if you are in an unfamiliar situation – a strange city, foreign country, etc. Danger doesn’t always come from the creepy guy on the corner, or someone who happens to be walking down the same street. It can be the person sitting next to you at dinner who steals your credit card or someone casually walking through a parking lot at a shopping mall. Pay attention to your personal space. If someone is invading it when it isn’t necessary, move away. Part of self-defense is avoiding dangerous situations. Avoid talking on the phone while walking through potentially unsafe areas as it will distract you from your surroundings.


There are times when confrontation cannot be avoided. Know how to protect yourself. Taking a self-defense class is paramount. If traveling with your family, teach children what to do in case of emergency. You can practice together to take away the fear factor.

If you are unarmed and confronted by someone with a gun who demands your money or jewelry, give it to them. Those items can be replaced; your life isn’t worth the risk. Make a mental note of the mugger so you can recall those details when reporting to the police.

If you are on equal ground and neither of you is carrying a weapon, fight dirty. Remember the following acronym: SING. Hit the person in the Solar plexus, stomp on his Instep, smash in his Nose, and lastly, hit him in the Groin. Nose, eyes and throat should be the first choice – if the mugger can’t see or breathe, he’s going to stop the attack. The groin, while common, may not be as effective if the person has been using substances. He simply won’t have the same pain reaction as someone who is sober.

Where appropriate and legal, carrying a concealed weapon may be your best line of defense. You also want to know how to handle a gun properly, so taking safety classes is a must. Also, be aware that the best weapon for a woman may not be the same as for a man. Do your research and find out which is the best gun for you. As always, drawing a weapon should be the last resort and, if you pull it, be prepared to use it.

Ins and Outs of Self-Defense

The increased awareness of violence in our society has been the impetus for citizens taking measures for protection whether it’s on the street, in a public venue, or in the safety of one’s home. Self-defense is the act of protecting oneself from harm. This generally means an act of aggression on the part of another. There are various forms of self-defense from calling law enforcement to avoidance, confrontation, and at times, the use of a weapon. Each has its benefit, but you should use the utmost care and intention. The decision of which method of self-defense to use is vital and depends upon the situation and the individuals.

Law Enforcement

In many cases, calling law enforcement is the best form of self-defense. Officers can deal with most situations in an effective manner. This may be the wisest choice if someone is prowling outside the home or following you on the street. There are times, however, when calling law enforcement may not be the best option. This is especially true if someone confronts you with violent conflict or police are not immediately available in your area.

Self-defense Techniques

Self-defense techniques vary widely from carrying a personal alarm to verbal de-escalation, although most people think of martial arts when it comes to physical self-defense. Most communities have programs wherein basic self-defense classes are offered. Gyms, martial arts schools, and community centers are good places to start when looking for training classes. Programs typically combine forms of martial arts to teach students how to avoid dangerous situations, get out of choke holds, or disarm a perpetrator. When considering a class, be sure that the instructor is qualified to teach and can offer the best instruction based on your physical health and situation. Once the class is over, don’t file away the information and forget it. Practice with family and friends to stay prepared.


Armed self-defense is common, particularly in a person’s home environment. However, with weapons there’s a chance that someone can get hurt. The most common form of armed self-defense is the use of a handgun. While it may be the most effective, the user needs to know how and when to use the weapon. An untrained person is far more dangerous than a criminal and more often than not will cause unnecessary damage.

Before choosing a handgun, do your homework. Research popular calibers and brands to learn which might be the best fit and then visit a reputable dealer who can give professional advice. Obviously, you will want to take safety training classes and practice on a regular basis even after you feel comfortable handling a weapon. Lastly, when it comes to using a weapon for self-defense, don’t ever pull it unless you intend to use it. And if you use it, make it count because you might not get another shot.

Everything You Need to Know About the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

If you carry concealed, consider Wednesday, December 6, 2017, a good day. The United States House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 38 – Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, voting 231 to 198. The vote went almost straight through party lines, with only 14 republicans voting nay and six democrats voting in favor of the second amendment supporting bill.

But what does H.R. 38 (and its Senate partner S. 446) do and what does it mean for those who carry concealed?

What to Know About the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

It Protects the 2nd Amendment

Perhaps the most important aspect of H.R. 38, this bill protects the second amendment right to bear arms. Without this bill, law-abiding, CC-permit-carrying gun owners were limited in their ability to provide personal self defense when crossing some state lines. While some states already offered reciprocity, many did not. This lack of reciprocity means that even after going through the process to get a CC license or permit, you could break the law just by crossing state lines. Yet with the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, if you have a valid permit or license from one state, it’s valid across all state lines. This holds true even when entering a “May-Issue” state, which have stricter gun laws, such as California and New York.

It Strengthens Federal Background Checks

While gun-control supporters may see H.R. 38 as loosening gun restrictions, that’s not quite the case. The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act includes the Fix NICS Act, which strengthens federal background checks completed on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The bipartisan bill penalizes agencies that fail to report criminal records to the FBI and gives incentives for those who improve reporting. It also uses federal funds to ensure those charged with domestic violence get reported.

It Makes CC Permits More Like Driver’s Licenses

When you become licensed to drive in Pennsylvania, you can drive in any state within the US, as long as you have your license on you and abide by the laws in the state you’re currently in. With the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, your CC license or permit will have similar rights and regulations. Those who have already completed the process of getting a CC permit in their own state can cross state lines with their concealed carry weapon as long as they follow the rules of the state they’re in, have their valid CC permit or license on their person, and carry a valid form of identification.

Things H.R. 38 Doesn’t Do

Regardless of how someone spins it, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 does:

  • NOT make it easier for someone to purchase a gun
  • NOT give those who shouldn’t carry access to guns
  • NOT provide criminals with guns
  • NOT increase gun violence*

*Research shows that, as a whole, people who obtain their concealed carry permits tend to be more law-abiding than the general public, and even the police.

4 Self Defense Weapons Every Woman Should Carry

When it comes to self defense weapons, there’s more out there than mace and oversized flashlights. Maybe you don’t think you’re at risk, so protecting yourself doesn’t seem necessary. Perhaps you think carrying one weapon, say a mini revolver, is enough to protect you, regardless of what happens.

But what if an attacker comes from behind? What happens if he kicks your gun out of your hand?

Don’t leave yourself vulnerable. These four self defense weapons can keep you safe in a variety of situations.

Concealed Carry Firearm

While you shouldn’t solely relay on a pistol for self defense, don’t leave home without one. If you’re unsure what’s the best self defense gun for women, choose one you can control, but still has stopping power. And always use self defense ammunition.

Tactical Knife

If you need a self defense weapon in close range, you may not have time to draw your handgun. In these cases, go for a good quality tactical knife. Find one that’s lightweight and has at least a three inch blade for self defense. Chances are you won’t kill someone with a knife, but in a tight situation, you can cut and run, getting out of the situation as fast as you can.

Pepper Spray

In some cases, you may not want to use your firearm, or even your knife. Maybe you don’t have your gun on you or maybe you know your perpetrator. Over 80% of rape victims know their assailant. Pepper spray is easy, quick, and more effective than you may think. It works just as good on dogs as it does people, and you can spray it behind you as you run away. But remember, pepper spray doesn’t stop your attacker. It only slows them.


A keychain weapon, a kubaton (sometimes kubotan) is made from a hard plastic or metal, no more than 5.5 inches long, and about a half inch in diameter. You can use it strike an attacker or to apply extreme leverage or pressure. These self defense weapons blend in with your keys and others rarely notice them as a striker. What’s more, when your kubaton’s on your key ring, you always have it nearby.

What Makes a Good Self Defense Ammo?

When it comes to self defense, you spent a lot of time deciding what gun to choose. Whether you opted for a snubnose revolver or 1911 pistol, a 9mm or .45, you researched which would be best for you and your needs and, ideally, even tried a few out before deciding. But did you do the same with your self defense ammo? Or did you just pull some off the shelf and fill your clip? Worse yet, are you walking around with range shells?

What You Need in Self Defense Ammo

When you have a self defense weapon, you have it to protect yourself. And to protect yourself, you need to be able to stop a threat, as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Frankly, some bullets can’t make those kinds of promises.

That’s why you need good self defense ammunition, it has what range ammo doesn’t. Stopping power.

Full Metal Jacket vs. Hollow Points

When you’re looking at handgun bullets, you have two options: full metal jacket (FMJ) or hollow point.

The lead bullet in a FMJ is totally encased in a hard metal, forcing it to keep its form as it propels towards its target. Upon impact, a FMJ bullet mostly holds its shape and penetrates deeply.

The lead bullet in a hollow point is only partially covered in metal. When shot, these bullets hold their shape while travelling. Once they impact their target, the lead expands, causing the bullet to both slow down and grow in diameter. This leads to a larger impact area and less penetration.

Which is exactly what you want in a self defense situation. The hollow point solves two problems. First, it increases your bullet’s stopping power, making a 9mm and even a .380, powerful enough for self defense.

Second, self defense ammunition expands on impact, significantly slowing its penetration. In a confined or public setting, where self defense situations are likely to occur, this is a big deal. FMJ bullets like to travel, strong and fast, and sometimes pass through their target, potentially putting others in harm’s way. With hollow point bullets, over penetration isn’t an issue.

If have a self defense weapon, carry self defense ammo. You’re not protecting yourself if you don’t.

Handguns – The Best Home Self Defense Tool

We live in the world of great uncertainties. Anyone can observe this fact. Danger could be lurking anywhere and it is easy to see why so many people feel unsafe. Since the beginning of the 21st century, a multitude of new problems has appeared. In many regions of the world, conflicts are spawning terrorism and global insecurity. This also creates a huge overflow of illegal weapons.

At the same time, economic hardship and financial insecurity are a factor. People are continually pushed into a life of crime, where they often get their hands on those illegal weapons. These are then used in scenarios like robberies, carjackings, muggings and most frighteningly, home invasions and residential attacks.

These are especially gruesome and terrifying because they take place in and around the victim’s home. This is the place where they and their families should feel most secure. This is the exact reason where there is a need for an effective home self defense tool that could save lives if residents of any home should face an imminent threat or some other serious danger. These tools are handguns and with one of these, everyone could sleep tight and not worry about their safety.

Advantages to Handguns

Handguns have many advantages when it comes to being a reliable self-defense ally. With a minimal amount of training, anyone can learn how to handle and used them, even in the case of an emergency. On the other hand, all handguns present a formidable force in any enclosed space like a house or an apartment. In this kind of an environment, any single attacker or even multiple intruders that would come across a person with a loaded handgun can be stopped right in their tracks.

At the same time, getting everything needed for this defensive tool was never easier. There are many options for choosing the most suitable handgun. The market for handguns is huge and many of these have different characteristics when it comes to performance, magazine size, weight and so forth, but all of them are more than effective in a home self-defense role.

Handgun Ammo

The same fact is also true for their ammo. Today, everyone can find ammo online and purchase the amount and type they need while the same is true for classes and training on using and handling guns. Because of these factors, getting a handgun and learning how to use it was never more accessible.

Looking at all of these advantages of owning a handgun and using it as a home self defense tool, it is clear that with one of them, every individual or family can feel much safer in their place of residence.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gun Ownership

The number of people that own guns all over the world has been increasing over the years because of rampant insecurity. Most hunters have also moved from the use of arrows and spears to using guns because guns are more accurate and effective. There are some families that own more than one gun but it is always a good idea to acquire it legally. Other people think that gun ownership is impractical and unnecessary, but that is not necessarily the case. Although a gun is important when it comes to self defense, it’s important to acknowledge the fact that guns can also bring harm. This article will highlight some of the major advantages and disadvantages of gun ownership.

Gun Storage

Some people store guns in their homes while others always carry them around but it is advisable to use the gun in a responsible manner. You can always defend yourself against attackers and criminals when you have a very effective weapon like a gun. It is always advisable to go for gun ownership when you really need it instead of buying it for the sake of buying. A gun offers quite a number of security benefits despite the fact that it can be quite a frightening thing. It is always advisable to use your gun safely and properly if you do not want to be deregistered.

Is Gun Ownership a Good Idea?

You never know when you will be attacked across the street or at home and that is why gun ownership is always a good idea. Most hunters agree that it is easy to kill a large animal because of the enormous force provided by a handgun compared to when they use other weapons. Hunters do not need to run around chasing their game but only need to shoot from a distance.

Disadvantages of Guns

It is good to know that guns have a great deal of disadvantages despite their good aspects. To begin with, the risk of violence and accidents is very high when the wrong people have access guns. Kids can get hold of a gun and accidentally shoot others or themselves out of curiosity. There are many instances where people that own guns have shot someone accidentally thinking that they’re intruders. People often commit suicide with guns. It’s important that a gun be in the hands of someone responsible. There are some designated places where one can buy guns and ammunition and a perfect example is Winchester ammo.

The Debate Over Using Guns for Self Defense

Let’s start by looking at some statistics regarding guns for self defense.

  • People use guns 2.5 million times every year in self defense. This means that guns are used 80 times more to protect lives than to take them.
  • Of those 2.5 million times, the gun owner only waves their gun or fires a warning shot. An attacker is killed or wounded 8% of the time.
  • A study found that the Police shot and killed 1,527 people in one year. This compared to 606 people shot and killed by citizens using guns for self defense.

An innocent person mistaken for a criminal and shot and killed by a citizen in self defense accounted for 2% of that 606.

The Police percentage of innocent people mistaken for a criminal and shot and killed accounted for 11% of their 1,527. That is almost five times higher than the citizen percentage.

Tragedy Prompts Inquiry

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on 14th December 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut shocked the world. Adam Lanza, aged 20, shot his mother dead before driving to the school and shooting dead twenty children and six members of staff. He shot himself in the head as paramedics arrived.

After the tragedy, President Obama asked researchers to assess the existing gun studies and recommend new studies.

Results of the Inquiry

The assessment carried out by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council cited studies carried out between the years of 1988 and 2004. These showed that victims of crime who use guns for self defense suffer consistently less injuries than victims of crime who use whatever is to hand and / or other strategies, such as stalling for time, phoning the Police or using knives or baseball bats for self defense.

In the 2004 study assessed by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council, Gary Kleck (renowned Criminologist at Florida State University) and Jongyeon Tark (Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of New Haven) examined if the use of guns as self defense would result in:

  • The loss of property
  • The victim of crime receiving a minor injury
  • The victim of crime receiving a serious injury

Conclusions of the Inquiry

They discovered that using a gun for self defense actually reduced the chance of all three things happening. Using a gun for self defense resulted in an injury in only 10% of incidents.

The Institute also concluded that more research is necessary. The effectiveness of guns used in self defense varies depending on the crime and the circumstances of that crime, as well as the victim and the criminal.

The assessment also reviewed a study done in 2013 which found that since 1999, many more people own guns for self defense than for hunting or other shooting related activities.

The debate will continue.

Best Training for Self Defense

Self defense is a vital component to healthier living. Living your life knowing how to protect yourself and your family is so important. You need to know how to stay safe and keep away from the bad guys. The hardest part is doing it right and being able to know what works best for protecting yourself as much as possible. In this article, you’ll get a ton of great ways of training for self defense and learning to protect yourself successfully.

Training for Self Defense: Learning to Use a Gun

It is highly recommended to go out of your way and begin to train yourself to use a fun because this is the best way to stay safe. For example, learning the basics and knowing all about ammo can be very useful for when a moment happens where you need a gun and a specific type of ammo. You must know the difference between a 10mm auto ammo and other bullets. Choosing a good gun and being trained to use it wisely is your best bet if you want to stay safe. Do not be a reckless fun owner where you don’t care about the other people who are around you. Be sensitive to how others are knowing you have a gun, so be sure to know how to care for it and know how to use it the right way.

Jiu Jitsu / Karate / Self Defense Classes

Jiu Jitsu and Karate are two very good activities you and the entire family can get into in order to help educate yourself on protecting yourself. It is a nice little way to train yourself to know about basic self defense and keeping yourself safe. It is not easy to understand the basics of self defense. Taking generic and basic self defense classes along will already be helpful for you on understanding the basics of it all when protecting yourself against others.

In this crazy world where people are always changing, you need to know when and where you’re safe. Knowing how to protect yourself and keeping yourself safe is not easy, but if you try the tips above, you may be able to know what to do in order for you to stay away from predators and crazy people who may want to harm you. Without taking action beforehand, you may not know how to handle the situation. Training yourself is much easier when you know what to do when danger and harm comes.

How to Choose a Handgun

Handguns are the most popular self defense weapons in the world. However, with so many models, caliber options, and styles available, selecting the perfect handgun can prove to be a daunting task. Let’s first talk about why we choose a handgun in the first place.

Why Choose a Handgun

Handguns lack the range and stopping power of rifles but are also portable and are perfect as concealed weapons. Therefore, if you want a weapon that’s small enough to fit inside a briefcase or a glove compartment and provide decent level of protection, handguns are your best bet. Here’s our list of 3 things you need to check that will ensure you select the best handgun every time.

Selecting a Size

The size of the handgun totally depends on the way you are going to carry it around. If you are looking for a gun that will always be concealed you might want to go for a smaller frame. There is a wide range of 9mm compact pistols and .380 super light pistols available in the market. Anything heavier and bigger might make it uncomfortable to carry it for long hours in a pocket or a bag.

However, if you are selecting a gun for your home and have no intention of concealing it, then it’s advisable to go for the larger framed models. Select ones that can fire larger caliber rounds and have longer barrel length. This will make sure your gun has more stopping power and accuracy.

Selecting A Caliber

This is one of the most crucial decisions when selecting any gun. To be sure, go to the firing range and fire handguns with different calibers. You might be tempted to go for the larger calibers but be sure you are comfortable holding and firing the handgun you select.

There is no point in selecting a hand-cannon if you fail to hit the target when you need it the most. The 9mm and .380 pistols are easier to control as they have less recoil and barrel jumps when fired. Once considered to be large calibers the 357 Sig ammo or the 357 magnum is now considered to be intermediate calibers. They have more stopping power but has slightly more recoil than the 9mm and .380 pistols. The large caliber handguns which fire .45 rounds and more have the best stopping power. However, a shooter needs to train himself or herself to deal with the recoils and barrel jumps.


A reliability of a handgun is a matter of life and death. You need to be sure that every time you take it out of the holster and pull the trigger the gun is going to do what it’s meant to do. Unfortunately there is no set parameter to measure reliability. Therefore, it’s best to avoid experimentation and go for reputed brands. You can also read user reviews before deciding on a particular model. There are plenty of review videos available on YouTube so check them out before making that final call.

Why a 12-Gauge Shotgun Is Perfect for Self Defense

You might be wondering what type of gun to by for your self defense. While conventional wisdom suggests buying a pistol, opting for a 12-gauge shotgun might be the wiser choice. There are a few very compelling reasons for this.

A 12-Gauge Shotgun Is Easy to Operate

A basic pump shotgun has, essentially, two parts required for operation. The first is the pump that feeds a shell into the chamber and the other is the safety. If a round is already in the chamber, simply pressing the safety button on or off allows you to pull the trigger.

Unlike the double-action semi-auto pistol with a safety, trigger guard, and hammer, you have no complicated features to deal with. You could even have handle grips affixed to the pump and stock making the weapon easier to hold and aim. You can put a laser sight on the top of it making it very easy to aim the shotgun in a high stress self-defense scenario.

A Wide Variety of Ammunition

It has been said that a 12 gauge shotgun is the most versatile of all weapons a person could own. This caliber of shotgun could literally be used to hunt for ducks and just as easily be employed to stop a charging grizzly bear. The great range of 12-gauge ammunition makes this possible.

Target loads (also known as birdshot) are perfect for those who worry about over-penetration. Also, the recoil on birdshot is minimal making this ammo perfect for those with limited experience. At close range, target load does not spread out very wide and dissipate. Honestly, most self-defense scenarios are at close range anyway.

For those who to feel more confident about stopping power, 00 Buck ammo might be the better choice. This load fires 9 pellet balls designed to take down deer and other large animals. For home defense, there are “no recoil” rounds offered so you do not have to worry about a huge kick.

Rifled slug shotgun shells do provide a massive kick, but these slugs can stop pretty much anything. These shells deliver the load capable of killing a grizzly bear.

12 Gauge Power

No matter what type of ammo you put into a 12 gauge shotgun, the muzzle velocity is over twice that of a .44 magnum. In short, a shotgun is a massively powerful, easy to handle weapon. So, why not make a 12 gauge your number one choice for a home defense firearm?

The Benefits of Using Quality Handgun Ammo for Self Defense

Owning a handgun in this day and age is so often recommended, but a lot of people don’t consider it. They are afraid it will cause danger to their loved ones. Being able to protect your family is never a dangerous or  a bad thing. The true danger lies from the people who can cause harm to your family.

Having a gun in your home or office to protect yourself can be the ideal choice to keep you safe. However, aside from owning a quality handgun, it is also important to own quality handgun ammo as well.

The best kinds of ammo are the ones that will not falter especially when you will need it most. Do your research to find out what type of ammunition you will need for the type of gun you want to purchase. Educating yourself about all the aspects of a gun will allow you to better understand why it is needed.

The Benefits Of Owning A Handgun

The main benefit to owning a gun is being able to protect the people around you in the face of danger. Everyday there is a possibility of experiencing home break-ins and kidnappings. Being able to defend yourself can save your life. Having ownership of a handgun will psychologically help you. You won’t be afraid of dangerous people who may find you as a target.

You will be able to take control of the doubts you may have in case of a burglary.  Knowing how to use a gun and having one can put your mind at ease. If you take the proper precautions of owning a handgun and use it according to what it’s meant for, then you will find it beneficial.

Before Purchase

Before you purchase a handgun, you will be required to take a course to better prepare you to use it and target properly. Gun ranges are always a great idea to take advantage of, especially if you plan on purchasing more than one. It is also recommended to have every one of your family members to get trained as well in case of emergencies. Having trained people in charge of a handgun will ensure that no one will be harmed accidentally.

What Make Handguns the Best Home Self Defense Tool

We live in the world of great uncertainties. This fact can be seen around every corner. Danger could be lurking anywhere and it is easy to see why so many people feel this way. Since the beginning of the 21st century, a multitude of new problems has appeared. In many regions of the world, conflicts are spawning terrorism and global insecurity, but also creating a huge overflow of illegal weapons.

At the same time, economic hardship and financial insecurity are a factor. People are continuously pushed into a life of crime, where they often get their hands on those illegal weapons. These are then used in scenarios like robberies, carjackings, muggings and most frighteningly, home invasions and residential attacks.

These are especially gruesome and terrifying because they take place in and around a person’s house. This is the place where you and your family should feel most secure. This is the exact reason why there is a need for an effective self defense tool. These tools are handguns and with one of these, everyone could sleep tight and not worry about their safety.

What Make Handguns the Best Home Self Defense Tool

Handguns have many advantages when it comes to being a reliable self defense ally. With a minimal amount of training, anyone can learn how to handle and used them, even in the case of an emergency. On the other hand, all handguns present a formidable force in any enclosed space like a house or an apartment. A loaded handgun can be stopped right in their tracks.

At the same time, getting everything needed for this defensive tool was never easier. There are many options for choosing the most suitable handgun. The market for handguns is huge and many of these have different characteristics when it comes to performance, magazine size, weight and so forth, but all of them are more than effective in a home self defense role.

Handgun Ammo

The same fact is also true for their ammo. Today, everyone can find ammo online and purchase the amount and type they need while the same is true for classes and training on using and handling guns. Because of these factors, getting a handgun and learning how to use it was never more accessible.

Looking at all of these advantages of owning a handgun and using it as a home self defense tool, it is clear that with one of them, every individual or family can feel much safer in their place of residence.

Self Defense With 38 Special Ammo

Selecting a cartridge/handgun combination can be a formidable decision. Should you choose the optimum gun and settle for its chambering? Or would it be better to begin with a fight stopping, proven cartridge and wrap a gun around it? A century ago, there weren’t many choices available. Today, a plethora of popular handgun platforms are available in a wide array of trigger actions, sizes and chambering.

38 Special Ammo

38 special ammo is considered to be one of the most versatile handguns. It represents three distinct power levels using the same bullets and any Magnum gun  can fire all three cartridges. These have been popular for decades, and are more popular now than ever. A decent defensive load is a balancing act between controllable recoil, bullet weight, gun durability and good velocity from a short barrel. The 38 special has all of these qualities and more.

It represents a step up in versatility and power. Bullet weight varies from 120 to 200 grains, with 159 grain lead bullets and 125 to 129 grain jacketed bullets being the most popular choices. No matter what pressure load you choose, it will always provide minimum blast.

The 38 special load is an effective self defense ammunition. It is a good reduced recoil option for anyone looking to curtail the felt recoil of their compact, lightweight personal protection handgun. It offers 100% reliability in self defense situations. Even from a snub revolver, it can provide a good stopping power. It comes in two variants, the extra power +P and the regular pressure. Both types are easier to shoot and control in lightweight, small revolver.

What Makes 38 Special Good for Self Defense?

In self defense situations, a person is seeks to apply force to dispel a life threatening criminal, 38 special is ideally chambered for a round that is capable of penetrating at least 7 inches of bodily tissue. After two or three shots will incapacitate your attacker, and thus they will be unable to attack you or fire back.

It is a fairly cheap cartridge and when bought in bulk, it is even cheaper. The 38 special has a mild coil and is also easy to conceal in a small frame handgun. You can also readily find it available in online stores and many sports stores.

It is a top quality, welcome relief that provides utmost quality to deliver the best value to the customers. Many people believe that this is the best tool in self defense situations.

45 Auto Ammo Delivers Super Self Defense Stopping Power

The .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol is considered a legendary firearm. This was a weapon of choice for many in the military during World War II and for good reason. The .45 offers a tremendous amount of stopping power. For home defense, the .45 is a consistently recommended weapon. Once again, the stopping power of the firearm is suggested.  Anyone in the market for a home defense or a concealed carry gun should consider buying a .45 and .45 auto ammo.

.45 Auto Ammo Is Supreme

When you are confronted by a dangerous person in a life or death scenario, you may have to draw your weapon to defend yourself. The weapon should be sufficient enough to stop the threat. Many self-defense experts recommend the 9mm because it offers less recoil and 9mm handguns are capable of holding significant amounts of ammunition. What if a home invader is wearing a thick leather jacket or it is winter time and he has a thick coat on? Can a 9mm reliably penetrate these layers? More than likely it could, but do you want to rely on “more than likely” when faced with a brutal criminal?

45 auto ammo is going to deliver a massive payload. No matter what type of makeshift body armor the assailant is wearing, a .45 is more than up to dealing with the threat.

Low Recoil Loads Are Available

The question of whether or not the recoil on a .45 ACP may be too much, the standard answer is summed up in a single word: practice. The more you practice with your .45, the better you will be able to handle the recoil. You will also become a more accurate shot.

That said, you may also wish to look into purchase low recoil ammo for a .45 auto.

Low recoil loads are, essentially, standard .45 ammunition with a lesser amount of grain in them. Since there is less grain, discharging the weapon comes with smaller kick. Accuracy improves greatly since your hand is not jerked around and the muzzle does not move up or down, right or left without warning.

Does the lower amount of grain reduce power? No, not when it comes to self-defense because most self-defense scenarios take place in close range.

One Again, Practice

Regardless of what type of load you are using, you do want to get a lot of practice in with your .45. You might even wish to enroll in a concealed carry or home defense course. Doing so increases the chances you can use the weapon effectively.

Handgun Self Defense Considerations

The use of guns in senseless acts of violence and crime is one reason why people talk about gun control. It is always dangerous for a very violent person to own a gun. That is why there are conditions that one needs to meet before they own a gun. Most citizens apply for gun ownership but only a few of them meet the conditions for gun ownership.

What Makes Handguns Good for Self Defense?

Handguns are very effective and widely available. For these reasons they are among the deadliest self defense weapons. You can also buy bulk ammunition online for your handgun if you use it on a regular basis. This article will highlight some of the most important considerations when it comes to owning a handgun for self defense.

The most violent street criminals use handguns because of their ability to deliver deadly force and that is why they are very effective when it comes to self defense. It is possible to deliver force with a handgun regardless of strength, sex and age. Many lives have been saved by handgun self defense. It is a perfect choice for most licensed gun owners. A gun is a very effective weapon when used in a responsible manner.

There are common mistakes that those in possession of handguns are likely to make and that is why you should know them if you intent to own a handgun for self defense. It is not always a good idea to buy a gun out of emotional reaction because you can end up using it in a wrong way. You should never rush out to buy a fire arm anytime you become angry or frightened because that is a disaster in waiting.

It is important to know that personal safety is not guaranteed by simply owning a handgun. Relying on a particular weapon for self defense is a popular fallacy that most people have come to believe. It is advisable to complement your weapon with other aspects such as security alarm systems and street fighting techniques for total protection.

Handgun Limitations

There are some limitations that come with owning a handgun for self defense that one should also be familiar with. To begin with, there are some areas where you may not be allowed to enter with your handgun. Your handgun can misfire, run out of ammunition or completely jam and in the process leave you defenseless. It is also good to know that the use of a hand gun for self defense is not justified in all situations.